Sunnah Method Of Marriage
2. Simplicity
Rasulullâh ﷺ has stated, “Verily the marriage with the greatest barakah (blessings) is that one in which the expenses are the least.” (Ahmad/Shuabul-Imân)
Barakah (blessings) in the Arabic language refers to deriving abundance of benefit despite having minimal means. If one desires to achieve happiness, comfort and contentment in life, then this will be achieved through barakah. We are nowadays deceived by external appearances. If a person possesses much wealth, mansions and can fulfill all his desires, he will still never be happy. True enjoyment, comfort and peace of mind will only be attained when we follow the instructions of our Maker ta’ala, who has designed us and knows exactly what is beneficial and harmful for us. By following His commandments, blessings and goodness will ensue.
Hadrat Thanwi, rahimahullah, has mentioned that marriage is the easiest of actions. He says, “Regarding marriage, in the shariah, there is so much of comfort, in contrast to the customs which we have invented, in which there is so much of difficulties. See how brief marriage is, that nothing is as brief as it. All other things cost money. In nikâh, one cent does not have to be spent. Money is needed for a house to reside in, and for food and drink, whereas in nikâh not even one cent is needed, because the rukn (fundamental aspect) of nikâh is ijâb (proposal) and qabûl (acceptance). What does it cost to utter these two words? If you say that it costs money to distribute dates and in the mahr, then the answer to this is that it is not compulsory to distribute dates.
The mahr (dowry) can be paid at a later time. The main thing from which one cannot escape is the marriage transaction, which costs nothing at all. As for the walimah, it is sunnah, not compulsory. It takes place after the nikâh. Walimah was sunnah in previous times also (i.e. they were very simple). Today most of the customary walimahs are only for show. Money is completely wasted. If we think about it, most of our money is destroyed in ostentation.”
Today, unfortunately, marriage has become a curse and burden for many. Millions are wasted, valuable time is lost, and the commands of Allâh ta’ala are openly flouted at such occasions. The time when Allâh ta’ala’s special mercy is required, has unfortunately become a source of great enjoyment for Shaytân, who uses this opportunity to cause even pious people to cross bounds and leap into evils which are not ever committed by them. If we desire happiness, blessings, the mercy of Allâh ta’ala, and solace in the home – the actual objects of marriage – then we should endeavor to fulfill this sunnah in the correct way. We have great hope in Allâh ta’ala’s mercy that if we try to abide by the life-style of Rasulullâh ﷺ, our marriages and lives will be successful in this world and the hereafter.