Sunnah Method Of Marriage
3. Importance Of Marriage
1) Hadrat Abu Ayyub, radiyallahu anhu, narrates that Rasulullâh ﷺ said, “There are four sunnahs (practices) of the Messengers: a) mehndi (henna) b) itr (perfume) c) miswâk d) nikâh (marriage).” (Tirmidhi)
2) Abu Nujayh, radiyallahu anhu, narrates that Nabî ﷺ said, “Whoever possesses the wealth to marry, and then does not marry, then he is not on my path.” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaibah, Dârimî)
3) Hadrat Anas, radiyallahu anhu, narrates that Nabî ﷺ said, “When a slave of Allâh ta’ala marries, then he has completed half his faith, then let him fear Allâh ﷻ in the remaining half.” (Shuabul-Imân)
4) Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ûd, radiyallahu anhu, narrates that Rasulullâh ﷺ said, “O assembly of youth, whoever amongst you has the ability should marry. Marriage will help one to lower his gaze and protect his private part. Whoever does not possess the financial ability should fast, since this will break his desires.” (Bukhari) The meaning of this is that he should fast for a prolonged period of time, and not just a few days, since this will actually increase one’s desires.
5) Hadrat Abû Hurayrah, radiyallahu anhu, narrates that Rasulullâh ﷺ said, “Allâh ta’ala has made binding upon Himself the assistance of three people: 1) the warrior in the path of Allâh ta’ala 2) the mukâtab (slave) who wants to pay his due (so that he can be freed) 3) the person who gets married so that he can remain chaste.” (Nasai, Tirmidhi)